Day 1

I reached IBNII at lunchtime. I met Akshitha didi there. She was very nice to me. Then I went to my room and mummy did not allow me to see it (she wanted to make a video of me entering the room later), but I still saw. It had a pool, a jacuzzi and 3 rooms - drawing room, dressing room and a bedroom.

Then I had Kodagu Thali. The best thing I liked was that after you finish your food, they weigh the leftovers. If it was more than 10g, you would be charged Rs. 100. I gave Papa my leftover food. I liked rice chapati and mummy took recipe. Mummy will try. The chef came out to explain the process.

Then I went to the room, they had a cake for me “For Genius Avi”.

Mummy said no to the pool because it was very cold and it was raining but Papa sneaked me in. I loved the pool but it was very cold. I was shaking. But I swam like a fish. I would have stayed longer if it was heated. Then I went into hot Jacuzzi. It was very ticklish. I tried to find the right spot but I could not. It was only for 20 minutes. That night for dinner I had butter naan. I liked it. I also had zucchini balls. Mummy will try that also. Then I slept.