Wellness Philosophy


There is a clutter out there of experts, information and choices - each one claiming to be better than the others. A lot of us miss the days when it was easy to know and believe what is best for you. Today it seems next to impossible…but we intend to change that.

We don’t claim to be experts, we don’t flood you with irrelevant information and we don’t provide you unlimited choices. We are aware consumers who have realized -



That the hunt for principles is more important than the hunt for information, because principles never change



That personal, shared experiences in real world from aware and delighted consumers is more important than the theory from experts



That it takes few things to make us happy; and these few things that truly matter are more important than the unlimited choices presented to us in the outside world.

Our Health Philosophy

We simplify your health so that you can understand it and do something about it. Some of us are doctors, most of us are not. But we don’t act like them. We don’t use medical jargon and we don’t say - “Don’t worry about it, leave it to us experts!” We will invest as much time as required to ensure you are comfortable with all the information about your health and you get to understand the principles of getting well.


Our Beauty Philosophy

We don't believe in quick-fixes. Everything in the world is Inside-Out and so are our looks. Human body works on simple principles. We help you to follow those principles to keep looking good, irrespective of your age or skin color.